Our Heroes!

Hey there, PetRock fans!

You’ve probably heard that our journey to smooth took an unexpected turn recently with the departure of our lead singer. Into every life, a little rain must fall, right? But we were determined not to let you down, and fortunately, the universe obliged …, and that’s when the remarkable J.J. Cruise walked right into our studio.

Yes, that J.J. Cruise, a name that may ring a bell from his electrifying performances with various rock outfits. His powerful vocals and precision acoustic guitar brought new energy to our music. From the moment he joined us, it felt like a perfect fit. J.J.’s voice brought a fresh dynamic to our classic hits, and his passion for music reignited a fire within all of us.

Our first show with J.J. was nothing short of magical. We were blown away by how effortlessly he connected with our songs and, more importantly, with you, our loyal fans. The chemistry on stage was undeniable, and the feedback from our audience was overwhelmingly positive. Within a few seconds on stage, it was clear that J.J. Cruise wasn’t a temporary fix; he was the beginning of a new era for PetRock.

But, there was just one hitch: our new lead singer, J.J. Cruise, had prior commitments he needed to honor. And since J.J. is a man of his word, that meant he wouldn’t be able to join us for a few shows. 

Within every challenge lies an opportunity. And boy, oh boy, was this a great opportunity? We’ve been able to connect in the interim with Rick Daring, another incredibly talented vocalist.

Rick…oh, Rick. He is one of our new best friends. No stranger to the music scene, Rick has toured nationwide with many popular bands. We’ve rehearsed with him, and let us tell you, Rick brings his own unique flavor to the music. We’re confident you’ll love his performances just as much as we do, and the band is tighter than ever!

So, if you are a PetRock superfan, make sure to fill your bingo card with a “Rick Daring and Pet Rock Show” while we await the permanent arrival of J. J. Cruise. 

We can’t wait to welcome you aboard the S.S. PetRock as we embark on our cruise to the future. Both J.J. and Rick have injected new life into our band, and we’re more excited than ever to continue rocking out with you. Because at the end of the night, we are doing this all for you, and we promise to keep delivering the music you love.

Stay tuned for more tour dates, and make sure to catch us live. Whether it’s J.J. Cruise or Rick Daring behind the mic, one thing’s for sure: the spirit of PetRock is stronger than ever!

Rock on,
